Diane's Journey: Finding Hope After Loss

Staying Active: Healing Through Movement Together

Staying active and involved in your community can be a valuable way to find support and comfort after the loss of a child, no matter their age. Here are some suggestions to keep you engaged and busy:

Join a Support Group: Connecting with others who have experienced similar loss can provide a sense of understanding and companionship. Look for local support groups or online communities where you can share your feelings and receive support.

Volunteer:  Giving back to your community can be a rewarding way to stay active and make a positive impact. Consider volunteering at a local charity or organization that is meaningful to you.

Attend Workshops or Classes: Engaging in personal development workshops or classes can help you focus on self-care and healing. Look for workshops on grief support, mindfulness, or art therapy in your area.

Start a Memorial Project: Creating a memorial project in honor of your child can be a meaningful way to channel your grief into something positive. This could be a community event, a charity fundraiser, or a creative project that celebrates your child's life.

Get Involved in Advocacy: If you feel passionate about raising awareness or advocating for a cause related to child loss, consider getting involved in advocacy efforts. This could involve supporting legislation, raising funds for research, or participating in awareness campaigns.

Remember, it's important to take things at your own pace and prioritize self-care as you navigate this difficult journey. Tragic Victory is here to GIVE YOU INSPIRATION and support you every step of the way.

A person is holding a book titled tragic victor
A black and white photo of Diane Davis, smiling wearing a black turtleneck.


My name is Diane Davis [DJ]

Diane Davis [DJ] is the author of Tragic Victory a profound and compelling book that delves into the depths of life after losing children to addiction and other dependencies. With unyielding honesty and unwavering strength,

She shares her personal journey and offers invaluable insights and wisdom to those who have experienced similar heart-wrenching losses. Her book is a beacon of hope and a testament to the resilience of the human spirit in the face of unimaginable pain.

DJ presents a raw and compelling account of life after losing children to addiction and other dependencies in her poignant book. With unflinching honesty and wisdom, she shares her journey of grief, healing, and resilience.

Through her powerful storytelling and insightful reflections, readers are guided through the complexities of loss and the profound impact it has on the human spirit. This book is a testament to the strength of the human soul and a valuable resource for anyone navigating similar experiences."

Would you rather listen as Diane tells her story...  Get the audio book

The audio book tells the story in her own voice.

Tragic Victory Audio Book

At Tragic Victory, we empathize with the heartache of losing a child, regardless of their age. Our audio books provide solace and direction for those navigating this unfathomable path. Let our words serve as a comforting and supportive presence as you navigate the grief of losing your cherished child.


Personal note:

A Philadelphia love run bib with the number 52049 on it

New Paragraph

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